Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ed Tech Talk

I listened to Seedlings 2010-01-21 Strategies for Parent Teacher Conferences

First thing I noticed was how this show was a lot like Car Talk, where people call in with questions, except that the shows hosts are asking the questions, then listening to the callers talk. I found it interesting listening to all the teachers who called in with stories of their experiences. The reality of having to do parent teacher conferences is a bit nerve racking and I found the information and experience of the callers informative and helpful.
However, as I listened, I viewed the chat room and noticed that the majority of posts were trivial nonsense about "oohh, it's going to snow," and "Alice, I heard you got a lot of snow," and that there is "only rain in Phoenix."
There was text actually on topic as a scrolled further down, but it seemed mostly just chatter among friends. I didn't find the chat room aspect compelling, but I definitely think this website is an excellent compilation of resources for teachers to learn from one-another, to gather new ideas and to share what they know.


  1. Hi,

    Check out http://englishcompanion.ning.com/

    There's tons of useful stuff from other English teacher and minimal small talk from morons.
